Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023)

Jurnal Akuntansi Universitas Jember (JAUJ) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes research papers encompasses all aspects of accounting including financial accounting, shari’ah accounting, management and cost accounting, environmental and social accounting, auditing, public sector and government accounting, management information system, accounting information system, taxation, and accounting education. JAUJ publishes 2 issues in 2 volume per year. First published, volume 1 issue 1, in June 2003 and avalaible in electronically since 2010. JAUJ has ISSN 1693-2420 and e-ISSN 2460-0377. All accepted manuscripts will be published worldwide and indexed in Google Scholar, GARUDA, Crossref, Base, and Sinta 5.
Author Index:
Adewole Joseph Adeyinka, 18; Agung Budi Sulistiyo, 1; Arina Aula Harfina, 1; Birra Lailatul Nafiisa, 40; Bunga Maharani, 55; Eza Gusti Anugerah, 32; Frisha Istiqhfarini Maulidyana, 32; Indah Purnamawati, 55; Nining Ika Wahyuni, 55; Nofa Alysia Ardiyanti Putri, 32; Nurafni Eltivia, 40; Nur Indah Riwajanti, 40; Ogunlokun Ayodele Damilola, 18; Omotayo Vincent Adewale, 18; Septarina Prita Dania Sofianti, 1; Yehezkiel Geoffrey, 55.